Should we human get married at sometime of are life? Right now I am only 21 and I'm 100% sure that I'm not ready to be married to someone at this moment. So that brings me to the main topic "When are we ready to get married?". I believe that the most important requirement for marriage is love but not any kind of love is has to be the so pure that it should never expire, like the love you have for your parents even stronger. But not only love can support a marriage now a days you need some maturely, have money and even a house so you can have happy marriage.
I have seen movies where 2 people get married at a very young age and don't have any of these important qualities and became successful.That only happens in movies I'm not saying it is impossible but is really hard to achieve and have a happy marriage like that. For me personally I rather have money and be a professional and later get married so the marriage can last longer. I think that the perfect age to get married is 32 because you have a lot of experience in live and still kind of young. I am still 21 so I got 10 years to find my soulmate and became a professional I hope i have enough time.

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